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Topsail Island Fishing Charter

Wrightsville Beach Fishing Charter

Carolina Beach Fishing Charter

Salifish - 2013 Wrightsville Beach Sailfish Tournament

At Cape Fear Coastal Charters, we offer inshore and offshore charter fishing trips to families, companies and friends near Carolina Beach, Wrightsville Beach, and Topsail Island, as well as Bald Head Island in North Carolina.

Captain Owen works hard to ensure guests have a great fishing experience, providing most of the necessary fishing equipment, including a license AND A RESTROOM! We suggest anglers bring a large cooler, a few snacks, and plenty of sunscreen; we’ll supply the rest.

More Fun

fishWe host mini fishing tournaments, adding even more excitement to the adventure! We vary the competitions to include parents against kids, wives against husbands, and girls against boys!

More Fish

The species we catch range from Flounder inshore to Grouper and Mahi Mahi offshore. We offer different kinds of fishing including trolling, casting and bottom fishing. Let us guide you in the right direction with our one of a kind ocean charter fishing guide.


Customer favorites:

  • Fishing the Carolina and Wrightsville Beach wrecks
  • Trolling off of Carolina or Wrightsville Beach for King Mackerel
  • Trolling for Spanish Mackerel near Carolina Beach Inlet
  • Flounder fishing inshore and near shore


Fishing should be relaxing, and when it is, it’s a rewarding pastime. At Cape Fear Coastal Charters, we believe a memorable fishing trip begins with a great crew, good friends, and of course, tons of fish. There are plenty of guides up and down the North Carolina Beaches, but our knowledge, experience, and Southern hospitality set us apart from the other inshore and offshore fishing charters.

If big fun and bigger fish is what you’re looking for, give us a call, or book online today. We know all the best spots, and we want to let you in on the secret!


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